The drama genre film directed by Joko Anwar which has successfully drawn people from Indonesia and all around the world. A Copy of My Mind was the implementation of Joko's vivid and controversial imagination about two lovers on the run from a corrupted government. The movie was screened in the 2015 Toronto International Movie Festival and Venice International Film Festival.
Commissioning a poster and web design for this project. The typography uses handwritten style in order to convey a tone of personal touch and intimacy, while the color choice; orange, used in the typography and the primary tone signifies optimism and warmth. Both elements are created to illustrate the bonding of the story's lovers, all the while giving a hint of Indonesian people's adaptive behavior on tyrannical regimes.
- Toronto Film Festival
- Venice Film Festival
- Busan Film Festival
- Indonesia Film Festival for the best director & best leading actrees
- Maya Awards for the best poster design & best sound editing
- Usmar Ismail Awards for the best leading actress, editing & sound editing